An acorn on its own is perfect at being an acorn.
A sapling on its own is also perfect at being a sapling.
Neither was created for the mere purpose of being an acorn or a sapling.
They were designed to grow into mighty oaks.
But the sapling looks at the oak. And in frustration he says, “I am not a mighty oak. What could I possibly have to offer? Birds cannot nest in my branches, for I am too small.” Likewise, the acorn looks at the oak with even more frustration saying, “I am not a mighty oak. I am not even a sapling. I have neither roots nor branches. What could I possibly have to offer?”
The mighty oak looks down on them, hearing their cries.
“Do you know how much I wish to be where you are right now?” said the mighty oak. “Dear Sapling, you can be easily replanted anywhere you are needed. For your roots are small and your load is light. You need less water and sunlight to sustain yourself. And you can grow much faster than I can.”
“And dearest Acorn, you can be blown wherever the wind takes you. You can feel the full power of the wind and the rain that bury you in the ground. You do not yet know where you will take root. And you can find a home in any animal’s nest and offer them sustenance. I have taken root. There is no going back for me. I cannot take pleasure in the blowing of the wind, for I have birds to protect and critters to shield. If I were to fly away, they would lose their home. But you are free to go wherever it takes you.”
The acorn and the sapling, emboldened, looked up at the oak with wonder in their hearts. Quickening in excitement for the journey to come.
The journey they were already on.